
Novice Finals

  • THBT the Republican nominee for the 2024 US presidential election is likely to win the general election.
  • Open Grand Final

  • In Western liberal democracies, THR the queer movement's primary form of collectivization transitioning from riots/protests into pride celebrations/parades.
  • Open Semifinal

  • THBT West and Central African countries should abandon the CFA franc in favour of establishing their own independent currencies.* *For the purposes of this debate, Government teams have to defend a separate currency for each individual country.
  • Open Quarterfinal

  • THP a world where individuals establish personal relationships with religion, rather than seeking divine connection through religious institutions
  • Round 5

  • THW require companies to hire a significant percentage of employees without university degrees across all levels of their organisation
  • Round 4

  • THS a norm where couples in long-term relationships take regular sabbaticals from the relationship (e.g., stop seeing each other, live separately if living together)
  • Round 3

  • THBT sustained global economic growth is preferable to economic stagnation for the interests of nonhuman animals.
  • Round 2

  • THR the narrative that being a parent is fulfilling.
  • Round 1

  • THS open borders.